Thursday 9 August 2012

So, I fail life.

Or Blogger, at any rate.

I'm so sorry I haven't posted in forever! I've been revising MAD AS A HATTER, but I know that's not much of an excuse.

I guess I haven't had that much to blog about.

But that's a lie, too- I saw five Broadway shows and revised a novel and swam competitively for the first time in a year and did a bunch of plotting. That's not nothing.

So, I guess I'm just lazy.

However, I am much less lazy over at WriteOnCon, so I'm going to recommend that all of you go join the forums. The people are amazing, the critique is invaluable, and all in all it's great fun. Clicky clicky!


  1. Hello, Alex! I'm dropping in on your blog from WriteOnCon. Good to meet you! It does sound like you've been busy. Balancing life with blogging can be tough, I know. I hope you get some great encouragement at WOC. :)

  2. I was going to comment on your query at WriteOnCon, but it seems you already have tons of advice so I figured I'd come check out your blog.I think the story idea is brilliant btw.

    I know what you mean I just started blogging and I have to sometimes make myself get on there and write something.

    Nice blog though new follower here.
